
Monday, August 11, 2014

All Jews don't agree with Israel's decisions.

As a Jew myself, I have to speak up on the current affairs of the state of Israel. It's always stated that New York City is the largest population of Jews outside of the state of Israel. I am one of them and I do not agree with the decisions that are used in eliminating any threats that may exist within Palestine.
 Many other Jews also share my disagreement. Check it out here @ or  or or  or .

 As many individuals are either born into or convert into Jewish culture, it is for it's purity, sincerity, and liberty of consciousness, not for any blinding power over others. Though many are Jews, many Jews have other beliefs as well, some atheist, Buddhist, Mystic, or other beliefs are incorporated into their culture in order to complete themselves just as in any other culture. The basic fundamental values are always there. No one of honest and true conscious mind would agree with the killing of unarmed, non-violent individuals. Being born in Brooklyn and continuing to visit the boro over the years, each time even up to the very last time I've walked through and past by other Jews, there were ignorant minded others screaming anti-Semitic slurs out of car windows as they past. So there has always been and will always be a belief that all Jews totally and fervently agree with all beliefs and decisions of the state of Israel. 

Now if this doesn't sound silly to you, then you must be one of the crowd that has been sampling these new wave drugs and believing in unicorns, fairies, and that witch craft is any different from ancient voodoo. Does every Christian believe in the decision of the Reverend Jim Jones? Does every person of Islam believe in the decision of the Taliban or Louis Farrakhan? Does every Catholic believe in the decisions of pedophile priest? Does every person that has lighter skin and could be considered Caucasian agree with the decisions of the Klu Klux Klan? 
You can't be angry at every Jew for the atrocities committed by entities like a government figures in charge of the state of Israel, or the mass media that chooses to give it's political brown nosing of the state of Israel over the killing of innocent people in Palestine because they believe that they would offend Jews if they told the truth. You must address the actual enemy just as Israel must do. Otherwise you are just as bad as they are for the wrong doing that they are doing, you are also doing. 

There is an age old saying that the reason that Jews and Muslims fight so very much is that they are cousins. The right that many Jews are taking in standing up and protesting the killing of many innocent people in Palestine shows that they are not just cousins, but true brothers and sisters.  If you are one of the people that sit to the side and choose to argue with any Jew that you encounter than you believe in war, but if you were to stand and address the cause of the problems then you believe in justice and working toward a solution and regulating the misconduct of these entities that are stirring up of war-mongering in the world today.

Freedom fighters like brethren Bob Marley who said to be iron like a lion in Zion,were not speaking to the masses for each of us to act foolish when lives are being lost so rapidly and war rampantly becoming a major issue. 

These wars are where all of our money in each country is being used while we are being starved by raising of food prices, deprived of money and jobs directly after a bank bailout, living in fear by an imaginary war on terror while living under mistreatment by the policing entities, and salaries and families are handled directly by the judicial economy of family courts.  
Some people always say that they see signs of faith or things that the end of days are upon us. If it your belief that you are here to somehow put an end to this and you have compassion in your heart than you should look to resolve this as peacefully as possible without any additional harm. 
Because of Russia's invasion of the Middle East the Taliban was formed. Check it out here or @ or @ . As a result of British Rule in Northern Ireland the Irish Republican Army was formed, so why wouldn't this many intelligent individuals  be able to understand the forming of Hamas? Check out IRA formation @ or or   
The fact that Jews are part of not only a culture but a religion is a reason that no person Jew or otherwise should totally agree with it. The same goes with any other religion or beliefs. When you rely on something or someone the devoted love can be blinding, creating a doting that becomes an illusion of perfection. A keen notion of ancient beliefs and meditation among elite thinkers were to find a middle path so as not to stray to far in any direction and lead to an early grave and misuse of your true potential. This is essential in present day also. Do you notice that many Muslim female are being slaughtered by their husbands (See here or @ or )  , or females scrutinized by various religions to have their clitoris removed in a Cliterectomy (see here @ , or @   or that members of the State of Israel were very racist in the way that they sort out who is to allowed to be a citizen (See here , , ) or that many Christian leaders have misused the churches funds or that Catholic leaders have excluded the reality of it's members sexual orientations or maybe considered a sin or religious laws that go against birth control? There is something very wrong here and these issues can not and should not be ignored or segregated for one group, religion, or gender to handle on their own. The purpose of these so-called religions is supposed to be unity, and compassion among humanity and this should be demonstrated among all humanity. By eliminating the problem whenever and wherever it is, we can get a lead on eliminating it without the government having a reason to misuse their authority and bully us or some pointless warlord feeling they have the right to kill in the name of freedom fighting. We see it happen in many countries in the African continent and when you see it happen in other places like the state of Israel, Russia, India, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, or somewhere as little as the Republic of Dominican, honestly identify it and help eliminate it if you are smart enough. Humanity has helped to ruin the earth while placing the blame on others and committing  the crime with a smile on their face and denying it at the same time. It's up to humanity to try and correct it's errors as well. No Fbi, Cia, or political party can actually do it because all they do is attempt to lead us into a direction that they see as appropriate as a goat herder would do with it's flock. If you understand people, theory and practice of people's needs are totally separate entities. It takes humans to stand up an make them known of what are our needs, so let's start. 
It's my belief that the knowledge understood and inherited by any culture or religion adopted by mankind should be used to right the misuse of power by the uncultured, and uncaring savages among us. I hope that there are many others that share similar beliefs no matter which beliefs or religions they choose.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Brooklyn, graffiti, getaways, and international indie talent.

Meanwhile in Brooklyn, New York…for those of us who like the quick getaway, wind in your face, there is a hostel in the new Bushwick, Brooklyn that might be right up your lane. If you like the holistic, developed artist community, then you’ll fit right in here. What other name for a Zulu’s hostel “The Moore”.


The Moore hostel which was opened just a few months ago and promises a special stay for the commuting traveler I’d have to say that it was a cool stay. I met a few interesting people there myself. 

The NY Moore hostel is located on 179 Moore St, Brooklyn, NY 11206, telephone (347) 227-8634 or . You can check it out on facebook @ or on twitter @

The surrounding neighborhood has such a resemblance to the Bronx that it is unbelievable.

They definitely are a major competitor in the spray art of graffiti murals. 

The businesses are very opened to hiring graffiti artist to contribute to the back drop of this thriving rich cultured neighborhood. 

What I love is that heading in the opposite direction back to Broadway is that you’ll find the same rich Hispanic, West Indian culture that I’ve come to love of NYC.

I had the chance to meet with one of Japan’s hottest, and genuinely talented uprising electric guitarist Bungo Yokoyama.
 He’s from Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan and loves NYC. You’ve probably seen him performing in your subway if you happen to travel to Union Square, Washington Square park, NYU. 
Bungo though he doesn’t speak much English, speaks guitar, with a universal language that everyone can understand, it’s called enjoyment. As I sat in the lounge of the hostel I was soothed by an electric guitarist softly strumming tunes to accompany a hip hop artist freestyling. 
I had a few places to go but by the end of my stay we were able to meet and exchange contacts. Check out his youtube @ .

Having the opportunity to ride the NYC subway bought back memories that I hadn’t experienced in a while. The train dancers of today are as talented as the break dancing b-boys of the 80’s only difference is the use of the fixed attached poles of the subway supporting many of the subway dancers of today’s routines and the fact that they receive contributions of the subway riders, unlike the break dancing B-boys.

The similarity of the two is how they are chased off and or arrested by the police and in hearing the stern and sarcastic warning of the police, they are never referred to the Police Athletic League or any Boys Club type mentorship to keep them out of the judicial system. I took a few photos of them that they asked me to put up for them. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Does the Lifestyle make the model or the Model make the lifestyle?

 Often when I have the opportunity of meeting a new talent I take the time to reflect on the person in relation to the job that they actually do. It’s something I do in my own life for myself when evaluating my own fulfillment of any task. It helps me to do things in my own unique way.
 Over the last year I’ve had the pleasure of holding a few conversations on an international model. She kept me wondering by all of the things that we spoke about that make her stand out from other models. For one, she never comes out and tells me her resume and what she is known for. She speaks straight from her everyday life and what is her routines and pleasures for keeping happy, normal things that keep her going and keep her so admired in the public eye. Her tone is so calm that speaking with her mellows me out. I began to feel like I had just taken a bite of an avocado. After listening to the details of her life in our conversation, I knew that I was speaking to a very humbled, cultured, free spirit and there was some higher purpose pulling this woman to her field of expertise.

 She mentioned about how she spends time training thoroughbred race horses, naming her stallions to me, telling me about her farm where she enjoys spending her time riding horses. 
She was also a production assistant on a short movie “The Wonder Girls”. 

The international model that I’m speaking of is Playboy model “Snow Bunny” Crystal Brooke.

 From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,  a small petite size of 5’3, 114lbs, the soft spoken, well-mannered model/ go-go dancer comes off more as a socialite than a model.
 Since I’ve had the pleasure of keeping up with her I’ve noticed that she is always giving models advice on how to be there best since she has been a winner of Miss Playboy Social international.

 She has become a mentor for many up and coming models and they are constantly thanking her.

As I sat back and thought about it, she was the perfect bunny if you’ve ever read a Playboy magazine. Just as they might have this beauty and you’d have this description of their many talents, yeah she fits the bill. In this situation of this woman who kept to her happiness, mannerisms, fashions and hobbies along with an aspiration to be a glimmer in the eyes of the public has proven to me that it is the lifestyle that makes the model and by continuing along with hers, Crystal Brooke has created herself as Miss Playboy Social.

Check out her most active links. On Twitter you can stay updated at On Instagram at or her Playboy’s Miss Social profile at . Thanks to you Ms. Brooke and I look forward to your future projects.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Funky NYC nights @ The Trash Bar

Folks that are original enough to jump out of their ordinary flow of pop music and just want to drink with their people would appreciate the convenience of Williamsburg’s Trash Bar.

 I found myself ready to chill with my lady and act foolish. The Trash bar promised the best drinks in  NYC and a live performance that may varies from any indie rockers needing to record a session to karaoke singers. I had to see if this was true, so off to Williamsburg, Brooklyn on the J train to Marcy, to rock out for the night.
You’ll see on your way over there that there are about four or five other bars, lounges and dance floor restaurants with flirty, friendly, happy people greeting you. As you enter and get carded you see the bar and the pool table, but stopping for a moment, you’ll notice people in a steady flow passing you and running for the curtain. Deciding to follow will lead you to the stage and the dance floor with a separate bar.

As the music is mostly rock and pop favorites, you have a cool crowd. The dance floor has seen better days but is still a nice experience. They have one of the most genuine crowds. The crowd consist of laid back, passionate, cool people who came together to have a great time. 

The bar keeps the underground flavor going non-stop. All of the band stickers you'd ever want to see cover the d.j's booth, while the sofa and the still new car seat are available to chill on. If that ain't great grunge then you show me what is. I love this weird little get away to keep the possibilities rolling and keep the creative juices flowing. I'll continue to pass through Trash bar. I hope that they keep up the party.

The drinks were worthy of enjoyment but not the best. Still the Jack poured and the crowd roared, and we chilled and clowned the night away.

You know I had to hit up the food trucks afterward for a lamb hero. It’s Brooklyn, why not?
You can check out the Trash Bar @ or @ 256 Grand Street

Brooklyn, New York 11211 hours are Mon - Sun: 5:00 pm - 4:00 am, their telephone number is (718) 599-1000 and to book the club for a recording session email            @ or .