Well, if you grew up at my parents side, you would probably have a few pairs of "Skips". "Skips" are just slang for a ridiculously cheap, non famed name brand, pair of sneakers. They usually don't have much padding. They used to sell at the side of the cash register, next to the house slippers for ten dollars or less ( and I mean the shoe price, not the cash register line. As a kid I hated wearing them, and kept my wearing of them close to home. Now as an adult, if I'm doing house choirs, set hand, photography, art, musician, mechanic, relaxing, I'm doing these activities in a pair of skips. It's hard to leave them alone. Now that they are in popularity ( weren't they always?) Many large conglomerate shoe companies are adopting these under developed shoes. You can watch a pair of skips going for up to $1000.00( going from super market, to Keds, to Gucci).
Don't sleep on a Pair of "Skips". They'll become your best friend if it is a choice between getting your expensive shoes dirty, scuffed and rendered useless and putting a gel sole in a pair of skips. So if I'm taking long shoe shopping, I'm probably nervous searching through shoes for my size and taste thinking " Where the hell are my skips?".

Don't sleep on a Pair of "Skips". They'll become your best friend if it is a choice between getting your expensive shoes dirty, scuffed and rendered useless and putting a gel sole in a pair of skips. So if I'm taking long shoe shopping, I'm probably nervous searching through shoes for my size and taste thinking " Where the hell are my skips?".