Brooklyn, NY a place that gives birth to many great talents. Not an easy place to earn anything. Out of the callus, corruption, and the striving, comes this awesome sound from a band that I promise you, that you'll be glad to know and remember.
This band is known as "The False Alarms". They accept the categorization of Blues/Punk, but when you analyze those two genres of music, you can just imagine the devilish funk that will come about when you combine the two elements.
Keep up with the fellas while they perform and you'll find yourself visiting some of the most unique spots in the city and supporting a band that is earning their keep. They've performed at places from Brooklyn's rock & roll spot "The Trash Bar" to "South paw".
As I was telling lead vocalist/ guitarist Mr. Donway, when he was speaking to me about the band, "You do know that I already am listening to you fellas, right?" "I keep up with the best." To keep up with the False Alarms is to keep up with the best.
If you'd like to keep up with "The False Alarms", here's how you can get started. Know the members: Ethan Donway: Guitar/Vocals, Jay Sharp: Guitar, Alex Sochinsky: Drums, "New York" Nick Curran: Bass.
Also check out their music @ or @ Reverb Nation @ or on facebook @ .
I guarantee a sound worth checking out, a band worth watching, listening to and interacting with. Breaking the monotony by tuning you into Brooklyn, NY's own "The False Alarms".
Adult content and discussions of Indie Artist, musicians, porn stars, magazines, photographers, editors, publishers, models, Interesting ignored histories, interesting ignored news, interesting forgotten movies.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
History of Enslavery in New York City
Ever since I've moved out side of New York City, I've realized that their are things that I've taken for granted. One of those things is the cultural knowledge that you obtain from being from within this ethnically diverse city. There are certain stories that I've been asked to tell over and over, as others listened in awe. This was weird to me since it came as second nature, living in NYC. I also took for granted the lessons of being a first generation American, where you learn to have an element of the brain more accepting of another point of view.
There are two good sources of the following account of this "Interesting unknown history" that you may want to check out. One is "African Burial Ground", located in lower Manhattan. Their links are or or or or on Twitter
The other source is a book by the very businessman who began the enslavery trading of Africans as a vice to build a new world for the Netherlands that was stolen form the wealthy Anglo Saxon Protestant by the Spainish. The author and businessman was Willem Usselincx. The book can be found in three translations. In Dutch/Portuguese it is, "Vertoogh: hoe nootwendich, nut ende profijtelick het sy voor de Vereenighde Nederlanden te behouden de vryheyt van te handelen op West-Indien, inden vrede metten Coninck van Spaignen. (Dutch Edition) by Willem Usselincx.
In English it is, "More excellent obseruations of the estate and affaires of Holland In a discourse, shewing how necessarie and conuenient it is for their neighbouring ... to trade into the West Indies. (1622) by Willem Usselincx".
Ed Einstein Wanabe Einsteinwanabe Blog Interesting Unknown History
Usselincx owned and founded the Dutch Company that had a primary motive to steal men and woman out of the land of Africa to the West Indies in Islands like Curacoa, St. Eustatius , under a contract with Spain called “Asiento”. They also carried slaves to South America or “the Brazils”, Guyana, Surinam in order to flourish an industry of chocolate and sweets. The company was named “The West India Companies” of Sweden.” In Historical Society of Pennsylvania books, it is referred to as “The South, Ship, and West India Companies of Sweden.” The debate began in the Dutch Republic Parliament in which the Company broke the power of Spain and won the independence of the Netherlands. Usselincx explained his business ventures to Sweden. Usselincx was granted Sweden’s resources for success in the marketplace and received royal privileges from King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden for his trading company. On June 2nd, 1621, the West India Trade Company was granted a trade monopoly in the West Indies by the Netherlands and given jurisdiction over the African slave trade of Brazil, the Caribbean and North America. It operated in a area of West Africa, the Americas and the eastern part of New Guinea to eliminate all competition.
Usselincx hoped to create a better society for Protestants who would migrate to this New World. He named these new territories New Netherlands (now known as New York City) and was supported by the States General of the Netherlands.
In 1625 the West India Company introduced slavery to New Netherland bringing eleven African enslaved people and German and French Anglos of servitude. They were put to work as farmers, fur traders and builders. The builders built a wall to protect Dutch of this company from the Native tribes in a place today known as “Wall Street”. Dutch enslaved were allowed to attend Dutch Church, be married by ministers, be baptized along with their children, testify in court, sign legal documents, bring civil actions against Anglos, and work enslavement hours to earn wages equal to Anglo Dutch West India Trade Company Workers.
In 1799, the state legislature passed emancipation acts that freed all enslaveed born after that date. Any enslaved born prior to that year were required to serve until girls reached the age of 25 and boys reached the age 28. In 1817 a new emancipation law was passed freeing all enslaved people born before 1799. Slavery was finally abolished in New York on July 4,1827.
After this New York slave owners were said to be selling their enslaved to slave traders, who then transported them to markets in the Deep South, where slaves were still in high demand. Free blacks lived in New York at risk of enslavement. The colonial courts ruled that if an Anglo person claimed his Negro employee was a slave, the burden was on the Negro person to prove he was not. Negroes on the street who could give no plausible account of their movements or proof of their freedom often were picked up by the authorities and jailed on suspicion of being runaway slaves.
These were all reasons that many freedom-seekers followed the Underground Railroad on their way to Canada. Its prime location, with access to major water routes, made it the destination of choice for many Africans fleeing slavery along the eastern seaboard. New York City and State seemed like a safe haven for freedom-seekers who knew they would be protected in New York's many Negro, Quaker, mixed race and other progressive white communities as well. A large and vocal free black population was present after the manumission (freeing) of slaves in New York State in 1827. Anti-slavery organizations were abundant in New York State - more than any other state. The reform politics and the progressive nature of the state gave rise to many active anti-slavery organizations. Many nationally-known and locally influential black and white abolitionists chose to make their homes in New York. Among them were: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Gerrit Smith, Henry Ward Beecher, Sojourner Truth and John Brown.
There are two good sources of the following account of this "Interesting unknown history" that you may want to check out. One is "African Burial Ground", located in lower Manhattan. Their links are or or or or on Twitter
The other source is a book by the very businessman who began the enslavery trading of Africans as a vice to build a new world for the Netherlands that was stolen form the wealthy Anglo Saxon Protestant by the Spainish. The author and businessman was Willem Usselincx. The book can be found in three translations. In Dutch/Portuguese it is, "Vertoogh: hoe nootwendich, nut ende profijtelick het sy voor de Vereenighde Nederlanden te behouden de vryheyt van te handelen op West-Indien, inden vrede metten Coninck van Spaignen. (Dutch Edition) by Willem Usselincx.
In English it is, "More excellent obseruations of the estate and affaires of Holland In a discourse, shewing how necessarie and conuenient it is for their neighbouring ... to trade into the West Indies. (1622) by Willem Usselincx".
In Swedish it is, "Uthförligh förklaring öfwer handels contractet angåendes thet Södre compagniet uthi konungarijket i Swerighe. (Swedish Edition) by Willem Usselincx".
Check it out, no matter how biased you may be at this point in time, you may learn something that refines your thinking.
Ed Einstein Wanabe Einsteinwanabe Blog Interesting Unknown History
The History of Enslavery in New York City
Slavery in New York City is said to be the work of a Kingdom of Belgian businessman “Willem Usselincx”. Usselincx was born in the time of the Eighty Years War (1568-1648) in which the Dutch revolted from Spain and formed the Dutch Republic. Usselincx was born in Antwerp and during the recapture of this Antwerp area which was renamed the Spanish Netherlands, Protestant citizens were forced to flee into exile. Ironically Usselincx ends up in Spain and later Portugal. He went on to write a book “Naerder Bedenckingen”, or in English translation “More Excellent Obseruations of the Estate and Affaires of Holland in a Discourse, Shewing How Necessarie and Conuenient It Is for Their Neighbouring Countries, as Well as the Netherland Prouinces, to Trade Into the West Indies.” (1622) Amazingly as it might seem, this book is very business oriented and callus. Usselincx sees this as nothing more than a business and enslaved captured Africans as subhuman.
Usselincx owned and founded the Dutch Company that had a primary motive to steal men and woman out of the land of Africa to the West Indies in Islands like Curacoa, St. Eustatius , under a contract with Spain called “Asiento”. They also carried slaves to South America or “the Brazils”, Guyana, Surinam in order to flourish an industry of chocolate and sweets. The company was named “The West India Companies” of Sweden.” In Historical Society of Pennsylvania books, it is referred to as “The South, Ship, and West India Companies of Sweden.” The debate began in the Dutch Republic Parliament in which the Company broke the power of Spain and won the independence of the Netherlands. Usselincx explained his business ventures to Sweden. Usselincx was granted Sweden’s resources for success in the marketplace and received royal privileges from King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden for his trading company. On June 2nd, 1621, the West India Trade Company was granted a trade monopoly in the West Indies by the Netherlands and given jurisdiction over the African slave trade of Brazil, the Caribbean and North America. It operated in a area of West Africa, the Americas and the eastern part of New Guinea to eliminate all competition.
Usselincx hoped to create a better society for Protestants who would migrate to this New World. He named these new territories New Netherlands (now known as New York City) and was supported by the States General of the Netherlands.
The story goes that this very same company used 30 Statian blue beads to purchase New York’s Manhattan Island from the Native tribes. These Natives were fooled in more ways than one. Statia beads were from the Island of St. Eustatius in the West Indies. There lived Caribe, Taino, and Arawak Natives who were direct descendants of American Native tribes. These beads were taken from the enslaved African Natives that were bought to St. Eustatius that they used to barter with. The enslaved African natives wore these beads to signify their own value. So seeing these beads and wanting them was a Native right that was sold to the Native American tribes by the Dutch company as a business tactic. The story goes that after of all of the disasters and wars over the island of St. Eustatius and hurricanes have hidden the beads, but they can be found in the sand of the island if someone is observant and lucky. One bead is worth U.S $25.
In 1625 the West India Company introduced slavery to New Netherland bringing eleven African enslaved people and German and French Anglos of servitude. They were put to work as farmers, fur traders and builders. The builders built a wall to protect Dutch of this company from the Native tribes in a place today known as “Wall Street”. Dutch enslaved were allowed to attend Dutch Church, be married by ministers, be baptized along with their children, testify in court, sign legal documents, bring civil actions against Anglos, and work enslavement hours to earn wages equal to Anglo Dutch West India Trade Company Workers.
The West India Trade Company failed and went bankrupt due to bad investments like wars with the English. English Businesses similar to West India Trade Company took over where they left off. When the English competition arrived slave laws in their colony were more harsh. Slaves were considered “chattel or property and enslavement only could be terminated by death or emancipation.
It’s said by the first ever U.S. Census, the slave population in New York grew to 21,324 by1790, making New York the largest slave owning state north of the Mason Dixon Line. This held true for two centuries that the state practiced slavery. In New York City, slave ships made over 150 trips to Africa between 1715 and 1776. Most of the enslaved people brought to Manhattan were transported from New York after a brief time in port to the Caribbean or else to Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia.
In 1799, the state legislature passed emancipation acts that freed all enslaveed born after that date. Any enslaved born prior to that year were required to serve until girls reached the age of 25 and boys reached the age 28. In 1817 a new emancipation law was passed freeing all enslaved people born before 1799. Slavery was finally abolished in New York on July 4,1827.
After this New York slave owners were said to be selling their enslaved to slave traders, who then transported them to markets in the Deep South, where slaves were still in high demand. Free blacks lived in New York at risk of enslavement. The colonial courts ruled that if an Anglo person claimed his Negro employee was a slave, the burden was on the Negro person to prove he was not. Negroes on the street who could give no plausible account of their movements or proof of their freedom often were picked up by the authorities and jailed on suspicion of being runaway slaves.
These were all reasons that many freedom-seekers followed the Underground Railroad on their way to Canada. Its prime location, with access to major water routes, made it the destination of choice for many Africans fleeing slavery along the eastern seaboard. New York City and State seemed like a safe haven for freedom-seekers who knew they would be protected in New York's many Negro, Quaker, mixed race and other progressive white communities as well. A large and vocal free black population was present after the manumission (freeing) of slaves in New York State in 1827. Anti-slavery organizations were abundant in New York State - more than any other state. The reform politics and the progressive nature of the state gave rise to many active anti-slavery organizations. Many nationally-known and locally influential black and white abolitionists chose to make their homes in New York. Among them were: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Gerrit Smith, Henry Ward Beecher, Sojourner Truth and John Brown.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Who's that Girl, the hot blond, tattooed Porn Model? Kleio Valentine, a name to remember.
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click here to view the post.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ed Einsteinwanabe: NYC's hottest upcoming Promoter is this Frenchman....
Ed Einsteinwanabe: NYC's hottest upcoming Promoter is this Frenchman....: Everyone who's ever been to NYC understands that it is a place of extremes. It can be a very fun place or a very tensed harsh place, an e...
NYC's hottest upcoming Promoter is this Frenchman.
Everyone who's ever been to NYC understands that it is a place of extremes. It can be a very fun place or a very tensed harsh place, an extraordinarily expensive place or a extremely affordable place. I've had the pleasure of meeting a person that brings the gift of keeping the availability of making the night life of the city fun, extremely affordable, safe, and glamorous.

He is a young event planner and party promoter that is a gift to New York City just as the Statue of Liberty. Abou, is a Frenchman working for Prive Event Planning. He has promoted many parties at upscale places like the Skyroom, Empire Hotel, Cabana Yacht, and the Veranda. He offer guest list priority in order to offer reduced rates. He's a very cool guy and easy to get along with.

To be added to his guest list simply contact him at , on Twitter @Ruskov60 , or on Facebook/Ruskov siix-bull or or .
He is offering a free entrance for those that read this post
Empire Hotel : 63rd and West Broadway
On Saturday June 16th Prive Event Planning launches Hot Saturday
Nights At Empire Hotel Rooftop
The Empire Hotel has done a great job for the new season renovating the
2 outdoor decks with plush new cabanas, fireplaces, VIP areas,
additional seating and landscaping all around. The crowd is always great
so you should definitely stop by to have a drink with us.
For Free entry with no wait in line email - we are also taking table reservations for large
groups interested in bottle specials and seating area.
So catch up with Abou, relax and party the night away on your vacation getaway, or night out with the European Nightlife.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Precautions for Tattoo Artist, Indie Musicians,photogrophers, etc..
Being that jobs may be limited and few for a while, this may be the year that our small businesses take off. Even though these small businesses my be our aspirations and goals, there are jealous and envious minded people that choose to attempt to get richer by sabotaging our businesses. There are a few tricks to the trades for my Indie musician, vocalist, studio producers, film directors, photographers, tattoo artist, and other small businesses.
Many products that we use such as Inks, Films, and even electrical products, if we look close have disclaimers and are produced by LLC.'s. What this means is Limited Liability Companies and Corporations. This is so that they cannot be fully liable for any damages that may occur. They can only be held liable for a percentage that would be so small that the law suit would cost more than the amount that is recovered. This would be a lost for any scheming client to pursue and would be a deterrence. A LLC license can be obtained by filing "Articles of Organization" with your Secretary of State's office. All rules and fees can be found on your states Secretary of State's website.
Also a huge part of dealing with any customers that are troublesome would be solved by contracts. Contracts are protection against any last minute renegotiations, change of plans, schemes, etc. Sample contracts are available online for you to get an idea of important things to include. Eg. A tattoo artist could use a contract like this: , while a song writer, publisher, film director, or photographer could use contracts like these: . The important thing is to make certain names and circumstances are to your satisfaction and it's always good to have a lawyer read over them to double check your work.
Companies like Ascap(American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers)
and BMI (Broadcast Music Inc) and Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) are good for Singer, Song writers, Film makers, Authors, Illustrators, etc. to have their copyrights protected and their royalties collected with out any hassle. They often provide the contracts and hassle free services.
These are all thing to consider before any of my small business owners do jobs for clients because they are so called "Cool". In reality we are all going to encounter a client or customer that "I wouldn't wish on the Taliban."
Many products that we use such as Inks, Films, and even electrical products, if we look close have disclaimers and are produced by LLC.'s. What this means is Limited Liability Companies and Corporations. This is so that they cannot be fully liable for any damages that may occur. They can only be held liable for a percentage that would be so small that the law suit would cost more than the amount that is recovered. This would be a lost for any scheming client to pursue and would be a deterrence. A LLC license can be obtained by filing "Articles of Organization" with your Secretary of State's office. All rules and fees can be found on your states Secretary of State's website.
Also a huge part of dealing with any customers that are troublesome would be solved by contracts. Contracts are protection against any last minute renegotiations, change of plans, schemes, etc. Sample contracts are available online for you to get an idea of important things to include. Eg. A tattoo artist could use a contract like this: , while a song writer, publisher, film director, or photographer could use contracts like these: . The important thing is to make certain names and circumstances are to your satisfaction and it's always good to have a lawyer read over them to double check your work.
Companies like Ascap(American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers)
and BMI (Broadcast Music Inc) and Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) are good for Singer, Song writers, Film makers, Authors, Illustrators, etc. to have their copyrights protected and their royalties collected with out any hassle. They often provide the contracts and hassle free services.
These are all thing to consider before any of my small business owners do jobs for clients because they are so called "Cool". In reality we are all going to encounter a client or customer that "I wouldn't wish on the Taliban."
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Hip Hop has Built a work ethic that manifests through the President.
Certain things that help me choose the music that I listen to are originality and sound. One thing that I love about music is that it comes from independent artist and/or independent studios, since the artist are so dedicated to their work. Independent artist tend to have so much fun with their music, use original ideas, and love interacting with their fans.
One independent artist that I've recently had the pleasure of interacting with is Mr. President. I'm not speaking of Barack Obama. I'm speaking of Jim President aka Jim Couture, Ceo and hip hop genre artist of PR records. This New York native likes to make it known that he is from Laurelton, Queens. A suburb of Queens, NY, referred to as L.A.

This awesome artist and businessman started his indie label after returning from serving his country in the U.S Military where he was an Engineer Paratrooper. Going through a horrible tragedy where he was honorably discharged for a jumping accident, and not long after following his passion for music, gives you a clue that Mr. President is persistent enough to become a favorite.
He first released a mixtape entitled "Conundrum" in 2010 on You can view his whole catalog on
PR is currently working on his new mixtape entitled The Prize soon to be released the summer of 2012 with features from other independent talents such as Naji P, Fevah 1st, Square Biz Rim and others.
I can tell the unique style that Mr. President has by him contacting me two years ago to say " Yo Ed, ya girl Sparky Sin Clair is incredible". I wouldn't expect a hip hop artist to see that, but you can't put Mr. President in a single category.
I can tell you from the heart that Mr. President/aka/PR is talented. I've watched him do 100 back flips in a row and with his visions and experiences of sky diving for the U.S military and his screwball sense of humor, he could direct a wicked video once he gets warmed up. I could see him doing the type of wild work that the great "Beastie Boys" would do. I look forward to him getting deep into mastering his craft. He's one of those artist that you know, don't have to stick to one type of music or art to be a great artist.
You can check out his music at: or interact with him on face book at
Booking for PR is available by contacting Booking manager Terry tunz 1 (646) 522-7929
One independent artist that I've recently had the pleasure of interacting with is Mr. President. I'm not speaking of Barack Obama. I'm speaking of Jim President aka Jim Couture, Ceo and hip hop genre artist of PR records. This New York native likes to make it known that he is from Laurelton, Queens. A suburb of Queens, NY, referred to as L.A.

This awesome artist and businessman started his indie label after returning from serving his country in the U.S Military where he was an Engineer Paratrooper. Going through a horrible tragedy where he was honorably discharged for a jumping accident, and not long after following his passion for music, gives you a clue that Mr. President is persistent enough to become a favorite.
He first released a mixtape entitled "Conundrum" in 2010 on You can view his whole catalog on
PR is currently working on his new mixtape entitled The Prize soon to be released the summer of 2012 with features from other independent talents such as Naji P, Fevah 1st, Square Biz Rim and others.

I can tell the unique style that Mr. President has by him contacting me two years ago to say " Yo Ed, ya girl Sparky Sin Clair is incredible". I wouldn't expect a hip hop artist to see that, but you can't put Mr. President in a single category.
I can tell you from the heart that Mr. President/aka/PR is talented. I've watched him do 100 back flips in a row and with his visions and experiences of sky diving for the U.S military and his screwball sense of humor, he could direct a wicked video once he gets warmed up. I could see him doing the type of wild work that the great "Beastie Boys" would do. I look forward to him getting deep into mastering his craft. He's one of those artist that you know, don't have to stick to one type of music or art to be a great artist.
You can check out his music at: or interact with him on face book at
Booking for PR is available by contacting Booking manager Terry tunz 1 (646) 522-7929
Monday, May 21, 2012
Allow me to Ad lib for Will Smith?
Please allow me to Ad lib this situation?
Hey, this situation is interesting, if nothing else. Yes Mr. Smith may be your idol, and you may be given the opportunity to interact and meet him. Show respect, give him space( he's famous for a reason and he knows how to party), Always remember that he is from Philadelphia and will and can bust your ass, if he chooses to. Mr. Smith felt insulted by the gesture.
Alright, now, devils advocate.
Reporter gives Mr. Smith a European kiss greeting and is reprimanded for it. Ruins his illusion of Will Smith, super fantastic movie star, who he bought all his albums, watched all of his films and television show. It lets This reporter know that Will Smith is what ever level of guy that would smack you and then say what he said after he smacked you, would be considered.
Cheek kissing, "faire la bise", is mostly accepted among the upper class. Oh, well, that teaches you a lil'something about the American upper class, huh?
If you'd wish to check out the story and video, check it out at these cool news press links:
"Mr Smith: Hey nice to meet you. Hold up, this ain't Jada. (Philadelphia comes out, and says "Give me space") Watch out, I got things to do, bwoy. What's wrong with you. You know damn well that it'll take a billion to even discuss the 3-d, I-robot version of broke back mountain. ( Smack insert) Never catch me slippin'. See ya later."
"Reporter: Cheek kissing, "faire la bise", is mostly accepted among the upper class, I am only greeting him with the utmost respect. "
Hey, this situation is interesting, if nothing else. Yes Mr. Smith may be your idol, and you may be given the opportunity to interact and meet him. Show respect, give him space( he's famous for a reason and he knows how to party), Always remember that he is from Philadelphia and will and can bust your ass, if he chooses to. Mr. Smith felt insulted by the gesture.
Alright, now, devils advocate.
Reporter gives Mr. Smith a European kiss greeting and is reprimanded for it. Ruins his illusion of Will Smith, super fantastic movie star, who he bought all his albums, watched all of his films and television show. It lets This reporter know that Will Smith is what ever level of guy that would smack you and then say what he said after he smacked you, would be considered.
Cheek kissing, "faire la bise", is mostly accepted among the upper class. Oh, well, that teaches you a lil'something about the American upper class, huh?
If you'd wish to check out the story and video, check it out at these cool news press links:
Sunday, May 20, 2012
A Must have ,Throwback, Soft Porn, Action Set
Want that better than Baywatch kinda movie for your home theater entertainment? Where you watch as Pam Anderson takes David Hasslehoff around the bases to a home run? Well in this 12 film set filmed from 1989- 1998, you'll have the fantastic back drops, the hottest of topless action actresses, great fight scenes, race boats, yacht, race cars, drag races, secret missions, double crosses, with great story lines. It's called "Girls, Guns and G-Strings". Each movie is a pulp fiction classic. You'll love how the movies continue into each other. This is definitely good adult action cinema.
Below are each of the 12 featured films and their links to the internet movie database:
Below are each of the 12 featured films and their links to the internet movie database:
The Dallas Connection (1994)
Assassins led by Black Widow are out to kill Antonio Morales to prevent him from handing a computer chip over to IWAR headquarters... See full summary »
Director:Christian Drew SidarisWriter:Christian Drew Sidaris |
Fit to Kill (1993)
Chinese businessman Chang owns the fabulous Alexa diamond, stolen from Russia during WWII. He intends to return it to Russia during a gala dinner... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Hard Ticket to Hawaii(1987)
Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency...See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Malibu Express (1985)
Cody Abiliene is a semi-successful private detective desperately in need of a big (and well-paying) case... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Picasso Trigger (1988)
Double agent Picasso Trigger is assassinated in Paris by double-crossing bad guy Miguel Ortiz. Then... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Guns (1990)
A South American gunrunner uses an island in Hawaii as his base of operations. A squad of beautiful government agents is sent to put him out of business.
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Do or Die (1991)
Silly sex romp disguised as a action/espionage film. Two beautiful American special agents are given a head start by an oriental crime boss... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Fit to Kill (1993)
Chinese businessman Chang owns the fabulous Alexa diamond, stolen from Russia during WWII. He intends to return it to Russia during a gala dinner... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Day of the Warrior (1996)
The Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law (L.E.T.H.A.L.), is tracking a criminal mastermind known only as The Warrior...See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Return to Savage Beach (1998)
A stolen computer disk contains the location of a hidden tresaure trove. It's up to the sexy ladies... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Hard Hunted (1992)
A nuclear trigger is being smuggled to the mid east, and the "global balance of power is in jeopardy"... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
Savage Beach (1989)
Donna and Taryn are federal drug enforcement agents based in the Hawaiian isles. Upon the success of a drug bust... See full summary »
Director:Andy SidarisWriter:Andy Sidaris |
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